On Mon, 19 Jan 2015, Konstantin Gribov wrote:
There's no Apache docker registry (see INFRA-9035 and INFRA-8441). There's no docker hub intergration with apache repos, as far as I know. So there's no way to create some official docker build currently.

Your best bet is probably to hop in the infra hipchat, find out what the approximate worries are, then start working on a proposed solution on either JIRA or infrastructure-dev@ as appropriate. From reading the two issues, I don't see it as being something infra will magically just fix in the next few weeks, in the absense of knowledgeable volunteers helping.

(Contact details at https://www.apache.org/dev/infra-contact)

Is unofficial image with automated build a reasonable answer to TIKA-1518 since we can't provide official images yet?

I don't see why we couldn't hold the build tool/script in svn, but hosting the generated images would need to be external and somewhat unoffical for now. Working with Infra is our best bet for getting it all official and supported!


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