Hi All

As many of you will hopefully know, the next ApacheCon takes place in April in Austin, Texas. What you may not know is quite how many Tika related talks we have taking place.

If you take a look at the schedule, you'll discover there are 6 different talks on or related to Apache Tika this time!

In addition, with that many talks, there will be lots of Tika developers around and about at the conference. We're almost certain to do a hackathon, along with probably trying out some new ideas, discussing and writing up plans on the wiki etc. With all that, it will be a great chance for anyone interested in Tika to get more involved, get mentoring on bringing in new parsers etc. If you've been looking for a chance to take your Tika use or participation up to the next level, this is probably your best chance of the year :)

You can find more information on the conference, including location, registration details, full schedule etc on the conference website

We'll hopefully see lots of you in Austin!


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