
Also included the output from jdep which shows a package by package break
down of dependencies.  Is org.apache.tika.parser.utils the only shared
package or are there others?  We can probably move this discussion to the

- Bob

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Nick Burch <> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Dec 2015, Bob Paulin wrote:
>> So there seems to be a pretty good consensus forming around moving the
>> sources but some differing opinions on where to put shared parser code.
> I know it'll be a bit dull and some work, but... Could someone put
> together a list (probably in the wiki or on jira so we can edit it) of the
> candidate classes to go in core/commons, along with their dependencies?
> Once we've finalised that list, the answer may become clear just from that!
> Nick

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