> It might be a good chance to reflect and get some feedback on how the
TinkerPop community is shaping up with a survey.

Jason, I think you need to elaborate here. Get feedback from who? Do you
literally mean the "community" or the software project or something else?
Do other open source projects do this that you are aware of?

> Also it would be great if we can get some more folks in the community to star
the Apache TinkerPop

Agreed - no idea how to do that - hell, people still star the old ones.

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Jason Plurad <plur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We're about at the 1 year anniversary of the Apache TinkerPop 3.0.0
> release. It might be a good chance to reflect and get some feedback on how
> the TinkerPop community is shaping up with a survey. I've never done
> anything like this before, so I don't know if email is good enough or if we
> should use something like a Google Form or Survey Monkey.
> Also it would be great if we can get some more folks in the community to
> star the Apache TinkerPop <https://github.com/apache/tinkerpop/> repo
> mirror in GitHub. It's still well behind the old Blueprints/Gremlin repos.
> Thoughts?
> -- Jason

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