Why not just check to see if the labels to be added already exist, if they do, 
don’t addLabels() and thus, don’t create a new collection.



> On Aug 7, 2016, at 6:07 AM, Pieter Martin <pieter.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is what I have come up with so far.
> The idea is that `Traverser.split(r, step)` already copies the labels to the
> traverser so there is no need to call `Traverser.addLabels(labels)` again.
> I removed the `Traverser.addLabels(labels)` call from `AbstractStep`.
> For the traversers that do not call `Traverer.split(r, step)` I manually added
> the `traverser.addLabels(labels)` call in `processNextStart()`. This was done
> by fixing test failures rather than searching and investigating all calls to
> `Traverser.split()`.
> The following steps needed the labels to be added manually.
> `AggregateStep`
> `CollectingBarrierStep`
> `FilterStep`
> `SideEffectStep`
> `StartStep`
> `NoOpBarrierStep`
> Further seeing as `Step.getLabels()` already returns a unmodifiable 
> collection and
> `ImmutablePath` is well immutable there is no need for it to have its own copy
> of the labels. I set the labels directly on the path as oppose to making a 
> copy.
> `TinkerGraphProcessComputerTest` passes.
> `TinkerGraphProcessStandardTest` passes.
> `TinkerGraphStructureStandardTest` has one failure.
> `SerializationTest$GryoTest.shouldSerializePathAsDetached` fails with
> `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class is not registered:
> java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet`
> Let me know what you think.
> Thanks
> Pieter
> Excerpts from Ted Wilmes's message of August 7, 2016 12:16 :
>> Neat find Pieter.  With regards to the update to ImmutablePath, I think
>> that defensive copying of inbound collections is generally a good idea but
>> if we can target specific areas where we can reap big gains from not
>> creating new collections it may be worth it to relax that constraint,
>> especially if we're only talking about internal APIs.  If we do relax that
>> constraint though, we'll need to careful during code review and unit
>> testing because those bugs can be difficult to track down.  The other nice
>> thing that the defensive copy gets us, particularly in the case of the
>> ImmutablePath, is that it isolates ImmutablePath from whatever the subclass
>> of set was that the caller passed in.  I think that's what is causing the
>> serialization test failure in this case since the caller passed in an
>> unmodifiable set.
>> --Ted
>> On Fri, Aug 5, 2016, 2:31 PM Marko Rodriguez <okramma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is cool. Check out also ImmutablePath.extend(labels) as that is
>>> ultimately what Traverser.addLabels() calls. We have a lot of set copying
>>> and I don’t know if its needed (as you seem to be demonstrating). What I
>>> don’t like about your solution is the explicit reference to the
>>> B_L_P…Traverser in AbstractStep. See if you can work your solution without
>>> it.
>>> Good luck,
>>> Marko.
>>> http://markorodriguez.com
>>> > On Aug 5, 2016, at 12:44 PM, pieter-gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Sorry forgot to add a rather important part.
>>> >
>>> > I changed ImmutablePath's constructor to
>>> >
>>> >    private ImmutablePath(final ImmutablePathImpl previousPath, final
>>> > Object currentObject, final Set<String> currentLabels) {
>>> >        this.previousPath = previousPath;
>>> >        this.currentObject = currentObject;
>>> >        this.currentLabels = currentLabels;
>>> > //        this.currentLabels.addAll(currentLabels);
>>> >    }
>>> >
>>> > Setting the collection directly as oppose to `addAll`
>>> >
>>> > Thanks
>>> > Pieter
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On 05/08/2016 20:40, pieter-gmail wrote:
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> I have been optimizing Sqlg of late and eventually arrived at TinkerPop
>>> >> code.
>>> >>
>>> >> The gremlin in particular that I am interested is path queries.
>>> >>
>>> >> Here is the test that I am running in jmh.
>>> >>
>>> >>        //@Setup
>>> >>        Vertex a = graph.addVertex(T.label, "A", "name", "a1");
>>> >>        for (int i = 1; i < 1_000_001; i++) {
>>> >>            Vertex b = graph.addVertex(T.label, "B", "name", "name_" +
>>> i);
>>> >>            a.addEdge("outB", b);
>>> >>            for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
>>> >>                Vertex c = graph.addVertex(T.label, "C", "name", "name_"
>>> >> + i + " " + j);
>>> >>                b.addEdge("outC", c);
>>> >>            }
>>> >>        }
>>> >>
>>> >> And the query being benchmarked is
>>> >>
>>> >>        GraphTraversal<Vertex, Path> traversal =
>>> >> g.V(a).as("a").out().as("b").out().as("c").path();
>>> >>        while (traversal.hasNext()) {
>>> >>            Path path = traversal.next();
>>> >>        }
>>> >>
>>> >> Before the optimization, (as things are now)
>>> >>
>>> >> Benchmark                                 Mode Cnt  Score Error
>>> Units
>>> >> GremlinPathBenchmark.g_path  avgt  100  1.086 ± 0.020   s/op
>>> >>
>>> >> The optimization I did is in AbstractStep.prepareTraversalForNextStep,
>>> >> to not call addLabels() for path gremlins as the labels are known by the
>>> >> step and do not change again so there is not need to keep adding them.
>>> >>
>>> >>    private final Traverser.Admin<E> prepareTraversalForNextStep(final
>>> >> Traverser.Admin<E> traverser) {
>>> >>        if (!this.traverserStepIdAndLabelsSetByChild) {
>>> >>            traverser.setStepId(this.nextStep.getId());
>>> >>            if (traverser instanceof B_LP_O_P_S_SE_SL_Traverser) {
>>> >>            } else {
>>> >>                traverser.addLabels(this.labels);
>>> >>            }
>>> >>        }
>>> >>        return traverser;
>>> >>    }
>>> >>
>>> >> After optimization,
>>> >>
>>> >> Benchmark                                 Mode Cnt  Score Error
>>> Units
>>> >> GremlinPathBenchmark.g_path  avgt  100  0.680 ± 0.004   s/op
>>> >>
>>> >> 1.086 vs 0.689 seconds for the traversal.
>>> >>
>>> >> I ran the Structured and Process test suites. 2 tests are failing with
>>> >> this optimization.
>>> >>
>>> >> InjectTest.g_VX1X_out_name_injectXdanielX_asXaX_mapXlengthX_path fails
>>> with
>>> >>
>>> >> "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The step with label a does not
>>> exist"
>>> >>
>>> >> and
>>> >>
>>> >> SerializationTest.shouldSerializePathAsDetached fails with
>>> >>
>>> >> "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class is not
>>> registered:
>>> >> java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet"
>>> >>
>>> >> Before investigating the failures is this optimization worth pursuing?
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks
>>> >> Pieter
>>> >>
>>> >

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