Today, The Linux Foundation announced
<> the
creation of the JanusGraph <> project. We're excited
to push forward the open source, collaborative effort on scalable graph
databases that was initiated by the Aurelius team with Titan. JanusGraph
will continue to be a native Apache TinkerPop implementation. The first
effort definitely includes finally upgrading beyond 3.0.1-incubating :)

There are janusgraph-users
<!forum/janusgraph-users> and
janusgraph-dev <!forum/janusgraph-dev>
Google Groups created for public mailing list collaboration, but as is the
case with other providers in the TinkerPop ecosystem, I'd expect
cross-traffic to continue with the TinkerPop lists.

If you will be in Austin this weekend for Graph Day Texas
<>, there is a great lineup of graph-related talks. Ted
Wilmes and I from Apache TinkerPop will be there, and so will others
involved in getting JanusGraph established. After the Graph Day happy hour,
we will gather up for an informal meetup/birds-of-a-feather with anybody

Have a good one,

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