OK got it.

Thanks for the help.


On 11/02/2017 16:46, Daniel Kuppitz wrote:
> This looks like a bug in 3.2.3. It's clearly expected to fail, since by()
> modulators should always fail if the traverser can't emit a value. What you
> actually want to do is this:
> gremlin> g.traversal().V(a1.id()).optional(
> ......1>     outE("ab").as("e").otherV().as("vb").optional(
> ......2>       outE("bc").as("e").otherV().as("vc"))).
> ......3>   order().by(select(first, "e").by("order")).
> ......4>           by(select(last, "e").by("order")).values("name")
> ==>b3
> ==>b2
> ==>c3
> ==>c2
> ==>c1
> Not related to your problem, but I thought I should point that out: don't
> use otherV() when you know the direction.
> g.traversal().V(a1.id()).optional(
>     outE("ab").as("e").inV().as("vb").optional(
>       outE("bc").as("e").inV().as("vc"))).
>   order().by(select(first, "e").by("order")).
>           by(select(last, "e").by("order")).values("name")
> Also, some labels are redundant in this particular traversal; get rid of
> them:
> g.traversal().V(a1.id()).optional(
>     outE("ab").as("e").inV().optional(
>       outE("bc").as("e").inV())).
>   order().by(select(first, "e").by("order")).
>           by(select(last, "e").by("order")).values("name")
> Oh, and there's something else: The query would fail if there wouldn't be a
> single "ab" edge. If you want to take this into account, do:
> g.traversal().V(a1.id()).optional(
>     outE("ab").as("e").inV().optional(
>       outE("bc").as("e").inV())).
>   order().by(coalesce(select(first, "e").by("order"), constant(0))).
>           by(coalesce(select(last, "e").by("order"),
> constant(0))).values("name")
> And finally, pointing out the obvious: don't create a new traversal source
> for every query.
> That's it.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 3:03 PM, pieter-gmail <pieter.mar...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The following query no longer works on 3.2.4
>>     @Test
>>     public void testOptionalWithOrderBy() {
>>         final TinkerGraph g = TinkerGraph.open();
>>         Vertex a1 = g.addVertex(T.label, "A", "name", "a1");
>>         Vertex b1 = g.addVertex(T.label, "B", "name", "b1");
>>         Vertex b2 = g.addVertex(T.label, "B", "name", "b2");
>>         Vertex b3 = g.addVertex(T.label, "B", "name", "b3");
>>         Vertex c1 = g.addVertex(T.label, "C", "name", "c1");
>>         Vertex c2 = g.addVertex(T.label, "C", "name", "c2");
>>         Vertex c3 = g.addVertex(T.label, "C", "name", "c3");
>>         a1.addEdge("ab", b1, "order", 3);
>>         a1.addEdge("ab", b2, "order", 2);
>>         a1.addEdge("ab", b3, "order", 1);
>>         b1.addEdge("bc", c1, "order", 3);
>>         b1.addEdge("bc", c2, "order", 2);
>>         b1.addEdge("bc", c3, "order", 1);
>>         GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = g.traversal().V(a1.id
>> ())
>>                 .optional(
>>                         __.outE("ab").as("ab").otherV().as("vb")
>>                                 .optional(
>> __.outE("bc").as("bc").otherV().as("vc")
>>                                 )
>>                 )
>>                 .order().by(__.select("ab").by("order"),
>> Order.incr).by(__.select("bc").by("order"), Order.incr);
>>         while (traversal.hasNext()) {
>>             System.out.println(traversal.next().<String>value("name"));
>>         }
>>     }
>> On 3.2.3 it returns
>> b3
>> b2
>> c3
>> c2
>> c1
>> On 3.2.4 it throws the following exception,
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The provided traverser does not map
>> to a value: v[6]->[SelectOneStep(bc,value(order))]
>>     at
>> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.TraversalUtil.apply(
>> TraversalUtil.java:45)
>>     at
>> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.map.OrderGlobalStep.
>> createProjectedTraverser(OrderGlobalStep.java:155)
>>     at
>> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.map.OrderGlobalStep.
>> processAllStarts(OrderGlobalStep.java:74)
>>     at
>> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.util.
>> CollectingBarrierStep.processNextStart(CollectingBarrierStep.java:108)
>>     at
>> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.util.
>> AbstractStep.hasNext(AbstractStep.java:143)
>>     at
>> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.
>> DefaultTraversal.hasNext(DefaultTraversal.java:184)
>> Has the semantics changed or is it a bug?
>> Thanks
>> Pieter

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