I agree that it's in a good shape for a preview release. It's great
contribution by Florian H. and it would be nice to have a release available
to start gathering feedback.

I'll post a few open discussions/issues on JIRA that can be addressed in
the short/mid term but that should not prevent the release to occur. Also,
it would be nice to have a ticket for the issue around the test suite
(desired behaviour, current behaviour, etc) to allow external help from
additional contributors.


On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 5:28 PM, Stephen Mallette <spmalle...@gmail.com>

> I've been shepherding along the gremlin-dotnet GLV and other than being
> hooked into the test suite (which it can't do readily given our current
> testing model) I think it's in pretty nice shape. Both Florian Hockmann and
> Jorge Gondra (contributors to this body of work) would like to see a
> "preview release" published.  I think I would like to see that happen as
> well. I think we could do that release directly from the TINKERPOP-1552
> branch.
> I think that we should do the preview release, await any feedback and then
> look to merge TINKERPOP-1552 to tp32/master. We can then make some choices
> about how/when we do an official release. We could keep doing
> preview/milestone releases until the test suite is done. Or we could go the
> complete opposite route and do an official release when we feel
> comfortable. I guess I'm just saying that we don't need to have the test
> suite in place to have this work exist on tp32/master.
> Any concerns about any aspects of this? If not, I'll assume lazy consensus
> in the next 72 hours and move forward with the preview release as well as
> the process of getting this work to release branches as described above.
> Thanks,
> Stephen

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