IMO it should return the edge only once.


On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 5:47 AM, Stephen Mallette <>

> The test suite doesn't seem to enforce behavior related to self-relating
> edges. TinkerGraph does this:
> gremlin> g =
> ==>graphtraversalsource[tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0], standard]
> gremlin> g.addV().as('a').addE('self').to('a')
> ==>e[1][0-self->0]
> gremlin> g.E()
> ==>e[1][0-self->0]
> gremlin> g.V().bothE().count()
> ==>2
> Should bothE() return 2 in this case or 1? I think that we've said in the
> past that g.E() is the same as g.V().outE() or g.V().inE(), but not
> necessarily g.V().bothE().  Thoughts?

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