There is one ticket I'd like to include related to .NET GLV: TINKERPOP-1825
(includes API changes, related to code generation). I don't know if Florian
wanted to tackle it, otherwise I could work on it early next week.

Besides that, I'm +1 on releasing once .NET test suite is merged.

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Stephen Mallette <>

> I'd like to propose that we do a release before the end of the year. Now
> that the GLV Test Suite is largely in place and we're close to having .NET
> running under that suite we have a reasonable degree of confidence to make
> that release official and get off the release candidate system we've been
> using. It would further be good to get official releases of Gremlin Python
> out there as the release candidates for 3.3.1 and 3.2.7 have been out for
> about a month now without any report of trouble so those should be ready to
> go.
> Aside for GLV related changes there are a fair number of bug fixes and the
> import feature of math() step that need to get out into the wild.
> Other than existing open PRs
> (.NET DSLs)
> (.NET test suite)
> I'm not aware of any major issues that need to be closed before release,
> but I don't think we need to be in a huge rush to go to code freeze. Please
> raise any issues or concerns that you feel are relevant to 3.3.1 and 3.2.7
> and we'll figure out where to go from here.
> Thanks,
> Stephen

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