There already is a leaner version - ReferenceVertex (and similar Reference*
classes). It is just what you are asking for with id and label returned
with nothing else. Currently this is the default return value for Gremlin
Language Variants - so if you use Gremlin Python, for example, you only get
back the id/label for a vertex. We've not changed that for Gremlin string
based traversals, which still return Detached*, because it would cause too
great a break for too many users at this point. There are a few ways to
configure Gremlin Server to return Reference* but the best way is to
configured the GraphTraversalSource with HaltedTraverserStrategy and
specify that it use the ReferenceFactory for detachment.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Divij Vaidya <>

> Hello,
> I have a question regarding the implementation of serializers. This
> question holds true for Gryo as well as Graphson.
> What is the motivation for adding properties associated with the Vertex in
> the serialized result sent back to the client? I understand that a
> DetachedVertex is defined by the vertex along with the properties, but in
> cases when the client is only interested in projecting out the vertex with
> Id and Label, the additional computation & serialization of properties is
> unnecessary.
> Do you think it would be an idea worth considering to create a leaner
> version of detached vertex which consists of only the Id of the vertex?
> This leaner implementation should be the output to queries which project
> out a vertex such as g.V(1).
> Serializer code reference:
> 4062898a0d15de030b656283a038eaa7c0b128d0/gremlin-core/src/
> main/java/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/structure/
> io/gryo/
> Regards,
> Divij

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