Robert Dale

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 8:21 AM, Stephen Mallette <>

> I feel like I ran into this error last week:
> gremlin> org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.Lambda.function("{
> it.get() }")
> (class: org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/util/function/Lambda$function$0,
> method: callStatic signature:
> (Ljava/lang/Class;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;) Illegal type in
> constant pool
> Type ':help' or ':h' for help.
> Display stack trace? [yN]))
> and then it went away somehow and now it's back. Happening in
> 3.2.9-SNAPSHOT and seeing it now in the released 3.3.2 console as well.
> I'm guessing it's a bug in groovy that we picked up when we upgraded. It
> seems to be a problem that exists across all script processing so even
> Gremlin Server fails to construct the lambda.
> I bumped to Groovy 2.4.15 and it goes away :/     oddly i'm not seeing
> anything in the 2.4.15 release notes that addresses this issue.
> This is a really bad bug because it means that users can't construct
> lambdas for remoting purposes. Can someone else please confirm that they
> see this problem as well and that it's not just me?

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