Github user spmallette commented on the issue:
    sorry - i didn't see your reply earlier i the week. i think this PR even 
without the build changes had problems. the PR branch wasn't building I don't 
think (i seem to remember @robertdale bringing that up at various points). was 
all that fixed? 
    thus far we've only talked about the build changes as I thought that was 
the primary point of the PR so i never bothered to comment much on the changes 
themselves. since you ask about that now, i'd say that they are hard to 
evaluate as they have been submitted. Because it is one giant PR, I don't 
understand the reasoning for these changes. You do have some detailed comments 
about the changes to `TraversalStrategy` which is nice, but that body of change 
is terrifying to be honest. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the source of 
the build problems.  That sort of change to that important area of code would 
require its own pull request and could require a discussion on the dev list. 
    So, reopen this PR? - I'd say "no". I'd say that if you feel really 
strongly about these changes for some reason, then they should be broken apart 
into new individual PRs so that they can each be evaluated on their own merit. 
As a reviewer (and you need 3 committers to vote +1 for us to merge), 
personally I'd be much happier to see PRs that do more than add generics or 
reformat imports because some tool said to do it. Like, if you truly have a 
much better way to sort traversal strategies - wow...that would be awesome! Or 
if traversal strategy application was bug prone and that tool your using 
uncovered that and it fixed a subtle problem no one ever noticed - excellent! 
But, please frame your PR in that fashion so that we understand what we're 
exactly evaluating. Organizing your work that way will help immensely on our 
    Hope that helps frame my opinion on this. I'm sure someone else will chime 
in if they think something different. Thanks!


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