Is reason for removing it is that this underlying groovy issue ( is blocking the upgrade?

On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 9:40 AM Stephen Mallette <>

> In 3.6.0 I think it worth taking the step to remove all groovy dependencies
> from gremlin-driver. They were made <optional> in 3.5.0 and based on there
> being no replies to this query on usage of the feature related to this
> dependency:
> I think that we can safely remove it. I believe that the impact here is
> only to GraphSON and Gryo. For Gryo, we've already deprecated it as a
> network protocol, but it was already an optional registration so if you
> needed it you could copy/paste the simple bit of code related to it and
> maintain it yourself. For GraphSON, it was made an standard part of the
> GremlinServerModule, but I think like, Gryo it would be easy enough to
> maintain your own custom version.
> Created this to track it:
> Please let me know if there are any concerns.

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