Hello everyone,

I would like to get some opinion from the community regarding relaxing
strictness of Step classes for better extensibility.
The problem I encounter while making some optimizations for JanusGraph is
that many steps are not quite extensible due to being marked as `final` or
simply having important fields as `private` without any `public` getters.
Thus, making it complicated to replace original TinkerPop Steps with Graph
Provider's optimized Steps.
In this discussion I would like to know community opinion on relaxing Step
classes strictness with making the following changes:

1. Remove `final` keyword from all Step classes, so that it would be
possible to extend / overwrite them. Without this change Graph Providers
might need to duplicate some logic during their custom Step implementation
(because they won't be able to extend an already existing step and instead
will need to re-implement it from scratch).
Real example:
We want to optimize the `ProjectStep` step to be able to query all included
traversals in parallel instead of sequentially (
https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/issues/3559 ). Current
TinkerPop's ProjectStep if `final`. Thus, if we want to replace this step
with the optimized version of this step we will need to create our custom
step which will have most of the logic duplicated with ProjectStep (most
likely the only difference will be in the `map` step).

2. Convert all methods and fields from `private` to `protected` to be able
to access them in extended Step versions. In case the extended version
overwrites some of the original TinkerPop functionality then the child
class may potentially need to access some of the parent's class fields. If
those fields are private and don't have any getters then it might be
complicated to retrieve that information (it will require using
Reflection API).
Having fields as `protected` will allow for extended child classes to
access parent's fields.
Another solution could be to have `protected` getters available for those
Real example:
We would like to optimize PropertyMap step to pre-fetch elements properties
( https://github.com/JanusGraph/janusgraph/issues/2444 ).
For that we have to overwrite the `map` method and re-implement it (could
be considered as anti-pattern, but it's complicated to do that otherwise).
In the overwritten method we may have some duplicated logic to be
re-implemented and for that we will need to access parent fields / methods.
This was fixed for PropertyMap here (
https://github.com/apache/tinkerpop/pull/2022 ), but there are many other
Steps which have private properties without getters.

3. (optional) Add public getters for fields which may be required to be
copied from an original Step into an extension Step.
Real example:
Again about `PropertyMapStep`. Even though we changed the fields to
`protected` (which now allows us to set and read those fields from the
child class), we can't easily replace the original Step with the extended
version of this Step because we will need to provide all the information we
have from the original Step into the new Step. Without having public
getters available for those fields we won't be able to retrieve data for
protected fields (unless we place the optimization class to the same
I.e. If we implement a replacement Step for PropertyMap step we will need
to access `tokens` and `traversalRing` from the original step, but we won't
be able to do that because currently PropertyMap doesn't have public
getters for those fields. Thus, it will require us to place a new
implementation class to the same package, so that we could access protected

Overall, I think relaxing Step classes' strictness can benefit Graph
Providers as they will be able to overwrite functionality they need. That
said, due to small optimization strategies experience, I might miss some
development patterns regarding developing optimizations. Potentially, it
could be that replacing original Steps is a bad idea but it's hard for me
to find good optimization solutions otherwise.

These changes don't look to me as breaking changes because no code changes
will be required from current Graph Provides sides, but maybe I missed

As for now, the JanusGraph community has plans to optimize usage of:
PropertyMap, ElementMap, Coalesce, Has, Project steps. Thus it drived this
thinking and discussion.

Ticket regarding relaxing step classes strictness:
PR to relax step classes strictness:

Any feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,

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