Hi Florian,

thanks for coming back to me and for the kind words.

We are just adding some content to our graph writer page which is quite
lite at the moment so I will add this in there and also in an explainer in
the learn section. I will send you an email once this is on the website.

Thanks again Florian.

Kind regards,

Martin Dew

On Wed, 17 May 2023 at 16:27, Florian Hockmann <f...@florian-hockmann.de>

> Hi Martin,
> Interesting tool that you've built there! That should probably be
> interesting to many of our users.
> I just checked your webpage, and it looks like it mostly fits our
> criteria. One thing I noticed however is that you don't mention our project
> name, Apache TinkerPop, at all, only Gremlin.
> Could you please change that?
> The first time it is mentioned on a page should also be like this: Apache
> TinkerPop™.
> After fixing that, we can add the tool to our list.
> Thanks and kind regards,
> Florian
> -----UrsprĂĽngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Martin Dew <martin@graph.build>
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023 04:12
> An: dev@tinkerpop.apache.org
> Betreff: New tool Listing
>  Hi there,
> I was hoping you might be able to help me to list our new tool on the
> tooling part of the tinkerpop site?
> graph,build
> <
> https://t.sidekickopen04-eu1.com/Ctc/W4+23284/d34ZYh04/Jk82-6q7W5BW0B06lZ3kVW55s8zn5xcQ_dN36PvvcHjYxgN1zY8Wj5FYkFW674Kcg7fPZQYW7LDCJ23n1-csW5N7V9-3kmM-6W48Symr5hrhR-W6NL3Wr7TWSK6W4-Zl804L4kr_W1Y0gcZ2N2tF4W90s9t56B6WC8W7TgfDY8SNBBpW4x-2Tm8q4Y8sW3rjSYx7Y1l8gW8VXM9v7Gt69SW6qL0-52pFjktW4px7r_7PKhwXW1dsppj3xKJtZf5TK6Lz04
> >
> is a graph data production platform and it works with any database that
> supports Gremlin.
> Would it be possible to add this to your list of tools?
> Kind regards,
> Martin Dew
> Director
> Graph.Build
> [image: emailAddress] martin@graph.build
> [image: website] https://graph.build
> [image: linkedin]
> <
> https://t.sidekickopen04-eu1.com/Ctc/W4+23284/d34ZYh04/JkM2-6q7W6N1vHY6lZ3pVW3flP9H5W4NC4N5b6c53cz1jdW93wcty2zYvRrVJwVtM1NxJLfW4xmklR6stnSkW6r-d8555zXyyVdFbzC42tXQxW4v-shL8XWsCfW8Xx32K1qgWXFW3JGbQp7T_n6KW92d2hP1VQk9fVS0wyn4qlt4vW89l28Z56m83LW106kN37TBCqVW5CK20F31MCvsN44vx5K2bvGHW3TsXjZ25yrPjVvDc-B2HJ9k7W23HSSq1ch9dlW7zdrRq1fMwg1W2L_yKL1n9ZgkW213pG-5SQ8Njf6-mSsn04
> >

Martin Dew



[image: emailAddress] martin@graph.build
[image: website] https://graph.build
[image: twitter]
[image: linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/graphbuild/>

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