Kelvin opened this one a while back:
I'd like to suggest this syntax to resolve the issue of Cardinality specification with mergeV(): // current approach to set cardinality g.mergeV([firstname:"john",lastname:"handcock"]). option(Merge.onMatch,sideEffect(property(single,"firstname","james"), property(single,"lastname","madison")).constant([:])) // current syntax will just use default cardinality for the underlying graph g.mergeV(["firstname":"firstname"]). option(Merge.onMatch, [firstname:"james",lastname:"madison"]) // revised syntax provide cardinality override per property where firstname will be explicitly // single but lastname will be the default for the underlying graph. the `Cardinality.single()` // a static method on Cardinality produces a CardinalityValue object which will have // special meaning to the MergeVStep g.mergeV([firstname:"john",lastname:"handcock"]). option(Merge.onMatch, [firstname:single("james"),lastname:"madison"]) // revised syntax to provide cardinality for all properties onMatch where both firstname // and lastname will be set explicitly to single g.mergeV(["firstname":"firstname"]). option(Merge.onMatch, [firstname:"james",lastname:"madison"], single) // the above translates to the following so the user won't have to add single to each property g.mergeV([firstname:"john",lastname:"handcock"]). option(Merge.onMatch, [firstname:single("james"),lastname:single("madison")])