Hi All,

Starting in version 3.6, the ternary boolean system was introduced to
handle comparison/equality tests within Gremlin. Recently, I've been
implementing some list functions from Proposal 3 which make heavy use of
the GremlinValueComparator to determine if values satisfy a specific
condition. However, I'm finding it a bit tricky to understand how I should
handle the GremlinTypeErrorException. For any() and all(), it seems like it
would make sense to immediately reduce any ERROR state to false as it's a
filter step. In the case of all(), if a GremlinTypeErrorException is
caught, it would mean there was a comparison error so the traverser should
be removed from the stream. However, doing this seemingly clashes with the
original intention of ternary boolean which is to allow a provider-specific
response on how to handle an ERROR state.

My current thoughts are that we should rework the ternary boolean system in
the future to make it easier to incorporate it into new steps. One of the
trickiest parts is that it uses unchecked exceptions as a means to
implement the ERROR state which can get easily missed or accidentally
leaked to the user (which has happened before). For now, I'm planning to go
ahead and immediately reduce ERROR states as I think that is what makes the
most sense for list functions.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this?


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