On 12/22/05, Remy Maucherat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henri Gomez wrote:
> > Well memory is not the only point, faster start and less class to be
> > loaded is also very important for me. In my company we're still using
> > Tomcat 3.3.2 on our production servers (iSeries) since they are quite
> > fast to start and that's very important when you have at the same time
> > not less than 20 or 25 instances of Tomcat starting in its own JVM
> > (one tomcat for a customer since the applications hosted have
> > differents life cycle and constraint).
> Did you actually compare memory usage of an JVM instance with 3.3.2 with
> 5.5.14/APR (using APR and AJP will make the thread count much lower
> which should save you a decent amount of memory - see the appropriate
> parameters for the connector) ?

Or you can try the NIO connector in sandbox if you want to play :-), same
benefits as AJP in terms of lower thread count and concurrency...

( if we do the modular tomcat - I can remove the nio connector from
sandbox, and move
it to sourceforge :-)

> As for faster start, sorry, there is not much that can be done: the spec
> requires a lot of stuff now, and modern webapps actually tend to do much
> more than Tomcat itself.

There is a lot that can be done. I agree that many webapps do more
than tomcat ( in the servlet init for auto-started servlets ), but
that doesn't mean we can't reduce our part.

One thing that 3.3 did ( or tried to do - I don't remember if it got
finished ) was to avoid parsing web.xml/tld files unless modified.
This and skiping all the modules you don't need are a good start in
reducing startup time.

For a production env it doesn't matter, but for development - or
normal use - it is a big deal.


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