We had issues with APR on Solaris, but:

   * These were with 5.5.12 (and I believe were related to shutdown).
   * We've not had time to investigate further, so we've not bothered
     anyone (as this may be our APR build or some such).

Overall, even if this was reproducible I'd not consider these worth withholding the stable label unless this could be shown to be a regression from previous "stable" releases containing APR. [Thus I wouldn't have considered this worth holding up 5.5.12 at any rate and only worth holding up 5.5.15 if it worked in 5.5.12 (and was reproducible, of course).]

Jess Holle

Mladen Turk wrote:
M A wrote:
I have issue with the APR not delivering a page that was approx 14KB in
I did post it on here but no one responded.

The thing you've posted makes no sense without
some way how to reproduce the bug.
This means that you would need to give us the jsp
and the exact procedure how to duplicate the bug.

BTW, what happens if you use some 'normal' client?

Is it a show stopper well for me it is it means i cant use APR ..

Well, the APR works both on RHEL kernels and Debian one,
because I use regulary both of those platforms for testing.


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