Hi Mark,

On 13/02/06, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin McCormack wrote:
> > Possible Fix?
> > ==========
> > I looked through the Tomcat 5.5.12 source code and ended up in the
> > org.apache.catalina.authentication.FormAuthenticator class and noticed
> > that there is no code there to save the request parameters from the
> > original request into the saved request in the saveRequest() mehtod
> > and to copy them into the final 'new' request in the restoreRequest()
> > method. Am I missing something here?
> Yep, lines 478 to 490 of the current version of FormAuthenticator

I have these lines in my download of 5.5.12 source (I downloaded
5.5.15 source and the class looks identical). This code is trying to
copy the request body I find that the request body into a byte array
but in my test scenario, there is nothing in the buffer.

> > Conclusion
> > ========
> > I believe that this is a bug and that I have found a fix for it but
> > I'm not a Tomcat expert and would like someone who knows the code to
> > verify that a) this is a bug and b) that it has not been fixed
> > somewhere else that I am unaware of. I'm willing to raise a bug and
> > post the fixed code if desired.
> This might be a bug but your fix is the wrong way to do it. You have
> to assume a request parameter encoding and that causes i18n problems.

Fair enough. I was just pointing out that saving and re-loading the
request parameters seemed to solve the problem - which would indicate
that something has gone wrong somewhere.

> Is your setting of maxSavePostSize appropriate?

I haven't modified this but it is a very small HTTP POST request with
only 3 parameters so I can't imagine it would be a problem. Also the
app works fine with similar requests that don't go through the
FormAuthenticator class.

> If you are convinced you have a bug, a test case (as simple as
> possible ready to run war with all source code) will greatly increase
> the chances that someone looks at it.

I'll try and get back to you soon with a test case.

> Mark
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