Hi Filip, hi all developers,

I think TC clustering from a users perspective got more robust in the last two years. Whe we started playing around with it in 2004 it was great, that we all basic functionality already worked, but you might remember, that I contributed a couple of fixes to make DeltaManager finally work in around 5.0.27.

When we started to check robustness for mission-critical production I found some limitations, that made clustering (in our use case) a little fragile, and I'm thankful to Peter, that he included the fastasync replication mode.

During early stages of 5.5 the amount of changes to cluster introduced some instability and finally broke it (the compression change), but the bugs were resolved very quickly after user feedback. At the end everyone was confident, that TC cluster was stable again starting from 5.5.15.

At the moment TC 5.5 core is in maintenance mode. Commiters for core Tomcat usually only apply bug changes to 5.5, no major changes were applied to the core parts. So the release schedule for 5.5 is mainly correlated to bug fixes.

Major Changes to TC cluster might result in a conflict between TC releases (bug driven) and Cluster releases (refactoring driven), at least as long as TC core and the cluster module are released together.

So I would also very much appreciate a conservative refactoring and enhancement strategy for 5.5 cluster. Major changes (better: risk) should be directly done in TC 6 (which is not that far away).

I agree, taht there is a lot of code refactoring necessary for the cluster as a basis for adding more and important functionality.

But in the last two years the amount of people doing real production with TC cluster increased a lot. I think it would really help to have a conservatively maintained branch and one that is open for the very much needed restructuring of the code.

What do you think?



Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:

new features and new development has historically always been done against the head revision.
If you want to put something into maintenance, then that becomes a branch

for example


in our case


To calm your nerves a little bit, I don't plan to pull out the JMX, nor to make major server.xml conf changes for 5.5.x, but it is on the horizon for TC6. For 5.5.x the server.xml will remain similar to what it is today, ie, almost backwards compatible (minus the changes I already made).
TC 6 will have a completely new conf.
TC 5.5.x will have a TC6 style new conf enabled added for the users that want to take advantage of plugging in their own message interceptors and to do primary/secondary backup replication which I intend to have complete by 5.5.16/17 depending on when those releases get cut.

The compression flag will get taken out of the protocol, replaced with a default compression interceptor is compress="true". so functionality will not change for the users either.


Peter Rossbach wrote:

Hey Filip,

what I see is you want make an innovative step. Great, I m very motivated to
help that we implement a next generation.

But, why do we this implementation not inside a sandbox, branch or separate module?

Last year I learned that big changes are great, but it is easy to make failures at very little details, like the compress flag bug. To design a new implementation is risky. A lot of projects and people now use very succesfull the current tomcat 5.5.15 cluster. Some people are waiting that we release the cross context replication to support portal development. Please, I do not want to stop the innovation, but why do we not start the new cluster design at a separate module and set the current code base at maintaince mode?

Peter Roßbach

Am 23.02.2006 um 12:59 schrieb Filip Hanik - Dev Lists:

Peter Rossbach wrote:

>I have add the compress flag inside the protocol.
>It is usefull to send message with an without compression.
>For short messages it is not usefull to compress, it is an overhead.

There is no question whether compression is useful or not.
The compression flag should have never been added in the protocol in the first place, Compression can and should be done on a higher level, and the algorithm should be pluggable. Adding it to the protocol is like adding a compression flag to a TCP frame, and its a hack,
And it caused 4 stable releases of tomcat to be broken.

The flag should have been a flag in the payload,
configurable by the component requesting to send the data as that component is suitable for making that decision

compression will still be configurable on a per message basis, but with a different design.

>Before 5.5.15 you made a vote that we carefull with protocol changes,

I didn't make a vote, I advised against it, as if you don't understand the code as it is pretty detailed and complex, then you shouldn't be changing it without a full set of regression tests. 4 broken releases should testify to that.

>Why you now change so much inside one minor tomcat release ?

Cause it is long needed and long awaited. The way the code got cluttered in 5.5 with JMX,core replication, io and session replication all mixed together, means that I cant extend nor can I implement any useful features. For example, if I wanted to implement a ComplexTcpCluster class, I have to rewrite all JMX code again, I have to rewrite all statistics code again, I have to basically rewrite session replication again. This was never the intention of this module. The module should provide for much flexibility.

>Why do you think we must move the cluster JMX MBean code?

For the exact reasons above. I could have written the entire module in one single class, JMX, IO, session logic, member logic. But there was a reason I didn't. Flexibility. Hardcoding JMX against code is not flexible. Instead the right way is to build the MBeans against an interface, cause I can change the underlying component without having to rewrite the JMX code. The way it is now is doesn't allow for this.

>The most tomcat components have no separate MBean classes

and this is a good thing? probably not, but and the rest of the components do, does not set a precedence. Otherwise, if we had one bad class, then all others should follow?

>When we move to separate classes we get
>a lot of classes with redundant get/setter attributes and operation signatures.

not at all, if you move it to a separate MBean class, I can have 50 different cluster implementations The way it is now, I would have 50 different MBeans, now that is redundancy. The way I am suggesting, you will have one at all times.

>The reasons
>behind I added the JMX code direclty into the cluser component implementation are:

JMX has been added to several component, not just the cluster class. for reasons mentioned above, this is not suitable.

>-1 for this change.

I would be careful putting -1 out there, it causes a lot of friction, especially when they have no justification. I am working on a improved design, a design that was intended from the beginning but I got sidetracked with another job not giving me the time to complete the full circle. I now have that opportunity and intend to see it through. If you want to be a part of it, I suggest you come with constructive ideas to move the project forward and not just veto changes with no justifications. If we didn't want this project to improve we would still be using Tomcat 3, but the world of hi-tech changes everyday. All of those changes have the intention for improvements, not all of them succeed. But that is nature of the industry we are in.

I hope this answers all your concerns and makes you redraw your veto or justify it with a better suggestion.
best regards,

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