
So the new repository is here:

- I did my own connector refactorings very recently, and the result can be seen here (I removed SSL support in that code, but it could be left in easily) for the java.io endpoint: http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/trunk/labs/jbossweb/src/share/classes/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/JIoEndpoint.java This increases the commonality between the two endpoints, and IMO is the right first step to start code sharing. Since it is Java 5, I will also see if I can add ways to specify an Executor for use by the endpoint for its worker threads (I expect so-so performance, but it could allow things like a single thread pool for the whole server).

- The Jasper sources for JSP 2.1 are also in that repository.

- (from the get rid of dependencies department) Should PureTLS support stay ?

- I will happily write the build script, which is going to be an order of magnitude simpler.

- As Costin proposed it (but I had plans for that earlier), I will merge the relevant functionality to util.


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