 I have checked-out and built Tomcat sources in Eclipse as described at 
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/building.html. Although there 
are a number of errors when trying to run the code, it seems that (at 
least the build part) is all right.
 However, I'm having some problems understanding the structure of the 
whole project because the apparent inconsistency between the 
documentation (Tomcat API for v. 5.5) and the source code in the (5) Tomcat 
projects. For instance, I cannot locate the org.apache.jk.* packages in the 
sources of any of these projects, although I would expect them to be in 
the connector project, or maybe in the catalina/container project. 
Also, the Tomcat API docs seem to cover packages for both the catalina and 
connector projects, but misses a number of other packages (webapps, 
juli, etc).
 I would appreciate very much if you could give me some  more details 
about the structure of the project, and how this matches the API docs 
for Tomcat 5.5.
 Thank you in advance,
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