
I'm working on a J2EE server (JOnAS) using Tomcat as web
container. I'm trying to add some mechanisms to allow the updating of
an application. The aim is to preserve HA (Hight AVaibility) by not
stopping completely the application.
So, I want to understand the code of mod_jk (the connector between
Apache, wich is he front end, and Tomcat) . I've already generated the
documentation (scandoc.pl : javadoc-like) and read the Howto on the web about
mod_jk. But it is not quite sufficient.

I'm looking for UML diagrams and sequence diagrams.

About mod_jk.c, my file is quit huge (2757 lines wc -l mod_jk.c) and there is
not a lot of comments so I've some issues to understand it, is there any others



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