I have as of December started to take over package/ebuild maintenance of
Tomcat on Gentoo Linux. From interacting on irc, I get that many don't
like us compiling. Such is such, and not looking to debate or discuss

The issue is this, a few users, 2 so far, with custom apps using log4j
are having problems. Specifically

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Priority

Now we are compiling Tomcat against log4j 1.2.13 instead of 1.2.12, but
I doubt that is the problem. Currently at the moment we are still mainly
compiling Tomcat with 1.4 jdk, but should be using 1.5 soon.

I believe there might be a conflict with JULI or etc? The initial
reporter, when we would put log4j in common/lib or shared/lib would
crash Tomcat. The other get's the above CNFE.

Now I have come across a few things via google where people with the
official binary Tomcat, are having similar issues. So I am not sure if
this is a result of us compiling Tomcat. Or issues with their custom
apps and implementation of log4j.

When they can run their apps via the binary just fine, it makes me
believe it's something related to us compiling Tomcat.

Any input is greatly appreciated. Pretty sure this is more developer
related than user, since I am curious as to the inner workings, deps etc
of Tomcat's new logging JULI.

Still pretty confused with regard to Tomcat's Core Optional Libraries.
Of which log4j is one. Not sure if log4j is required or not to make
Tomcat whole during compile or what. For now it's all present, and if it
can be left out. Might be optional for users at compile time. But I will
cross that bridge once I resolve current issues.


William L. Thomson Jr.
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.

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