2015-10-23 10:12 GMT+02:00 Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>:

> I've made a little progress.
> I can see in Wireshark that the initial HTTP/2 connection preface is
> sent followed by a SETTINGS frame are sent by Chrome.
> Debug logging in Tomcat shows that that data is never processed by the
> Http2UpgradeHandler.
> My current thinking is that this data is getting lost somewhere in the
> handshake process. I want to add more debug logging to Tomcat so I can
> track all the bytes and match up what I see in Wireshark with what I see
> in Tomcat.
> I did spend some time debugging the handshake but found nothing
interesting [it works and the state is as it should be after it]. Maybe
you'll have better luck though.


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