
On 11/11/15 10:39 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> All,
> I think we have reached the point where it makes sense to roll a
> 9.0.0.RC1 release. To summarise:
> - Tomcat Native is available with ALPN, SNI and OpenSSL BIO
> - HTTP/2 is implemented
> - Servlet API is up to date with latest 4.0. draft (plus some tweaks
>   of my own)
> - No movement on WebSocket, EL or JSP.
> I need to fix all the unit test failures r1713869 appears to have
> triggered but, assuming that is fairly quick, I plan on tagging
> 9.0.0.RC1 some time tomorrow.

What's the wild-guess for when servlet 4.0 will be final? It seems odd
to me to release 9.0.0 (I know this is an RC, but eventually...) that
adheres to a spec when the spec itself isn't final.

Because of the way we do version-numbering (9.0.0 - 9.0.x are all beta,
then declared stable at some point), I think it can be confusing to
users who download "Tomcat 9.0.x" that implements "Servlet 4.0" and find
that the product is actually a beta for an incomplete spec.

I definitely think that we need to have 9.0-branch releases *prior* to a
final spec -- just to get something out there in the wild that people
can use to test... I just want to make sure that users understand that
the version numbers mean. An "RC" can reasonably be considered
alpha/beta/whatever but there has been a lot of confusion in early e.g.
8.0.x where folks had problems didn't realize it wasn't considered
stable, yet.


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