In different versions of Tomcat, Jasper could change "a lot" since its not a "public api".

The servlet api could also change in different Tomcat revisions too. But these changes are usually VERY minor and due to corrections/errata found in the spec.

Typically - when Tomcat changes - there was usually a change in Jasper too. So any Tomcat release would require a Jasper release. But there might or might NOT be a servlet api change.


William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
        First off, is there any reason Jasper and Servlet-API can't be projects
of their own? With their own binary releases. Reason I ask is that it
seems other apps use Jasper, not just Tomcat. With regard to
servlet-api, it seems to be the only open source implementation. Sun has
yet to release 2.4, only 2.3. So the only 2.4 servlet api I can find is
the one in Tomcat.

        On Gentoo we have 3 packages built from the same Tomcat sources. If
Tomcat has a revision bump, does that mean Jasper or Servlet API changes
as well? If so we have to revision bump 3 packages instead of just
Tomcat. Also if I make a patch for servlet-api for Tomcat, the same
patch also applies to the servlet API package as well. So multiple
copies of the same patch. Much less if someone emerges both servlet api
and Tomcat they end up with two copies. Which sorta defeats what we do
on Gentoo. Which is to install a resource like log4j, commons stuff etc,
once, and symlink it where ever it's needed or used. So you don't end up
with different versions and multiple copies of jars and etc all over the

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