
On 3/3/16 3:35 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 03/03/2016 15:36, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Dylan,
>> This might be a better discussion for the users' list, but I'll keep it
>> on dev for the time being.
>> On 2/28/16 2:28 PM, Dylan Ayrey wrote:
>>> I'm a security analyst at a company named Praetorian. When doing internal
>>> network pentesting it is extremely common to find tomcat instances with
>>> manager portals, and users added to the manager role with the credentials
>>> on line 35 of this file
>>> *
>>> <>*
>>> This would suggest to me users are simply uncommenting that line and adding
>>> the manager role to it.
>> :(
> We should make sure none of the distros are doing this when installing
> the Manager package. I don't think any of that would be that stupid but...
>>> As you may be aware, one popular way we compromise that first machine, is
>>> to scan the entire network for tomcat servers, and attempt to login with
>>> "tomcat/tomcat" credentials. There's even Metasploit modules designed to do
>>> just this
>>> I was wondering if it might be possible to modify the comment on line 35 to
>>> no longer have a hard coded password, but instead have a dynamically
>>> generated password or passphrase.
>> While not a bad idea, it's pretty tough to do this. Why? A few reasons:
> <snip/>
> I think there might be a simpler approach.
> First of all we could add the remote address valve and limit access to
> localhost by default. That will limit some remote attacks but possibly
> not all depending on reverse proxy configurations

I was thinking about this as well. It would definitely make a stock
Tomcat more secure.

> I'd also be in favour of hard-coding a check into the MemoryRealm and
> the MemoryUserDatabase that rejects [1] any of those three users if they
> have the default password and anything other than the roles defined in
> the comments.

Why not ignore the roles and just refuse to use "tomcat" as passwords?
Then, of course, we'll have millions of servers running with "tomcat1"
as the password. :(

If we completely remove the "password" attribute, I believe the code
will currently reject all logins. That would force admins to make-up
their own, since there would be no default.


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