ok, development=false took care of the three errors, the TCK now runs error free for the first run, any subsequent runs I get about 50 or so errors. If I delete the contents of the work directory, it again runs error free, I'll do some investigations to see if its an actual issue


Remy Maucherat wrote:
Dies Koper wrote:
Hello Filip,

In my application I used a pageContext.include which once threw a JasperException (ServletException) while it was supposed to (according to the spec) propagate the IOException as-is. I noticed that setting the "deployment" init param in conf\web.xml to "false" made it propagate the IOException correctly.

Apparently JspServletWrapper checks this flag and decides to handle exceptions differently depending on this value. I did not look further into it as my problem is resolved, but I have been wondering why it would do this and whether to bring it up here.

It's "development". Indeed, it seems to be the reason: the original exception gets wrapped for nicer error reporting purposes. If development mode is off, then the original exception will be passed, so the test should then work.


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