--- Comment #2 from Andrei Ivanov <> ---
As I've shown in, the
recommended Spring solution didn't work for me as Tomcat was already loading
the class I want to weave before Spring gets initialized.

Indeed, the custom classloader gets picked up.
Ha, seems that the API has changed again:
On 8.0.32, the new method was called: findResourceInternal(String name, String
path, boolean manifestRequired)
This created the issue for Spring earlier :)

On 8.0.33, it reverts back to calling the initial method:
findResourceInternal(String name, String path)

This is the Spring method body (in both cases):
protected ResourceEntry findResourceInternal(String name, String path) {
        ResourceEntry entry = super.findResourceInternal(name, path);
        if (entry != null && entry.binaryContent != null &&
path.endsWith(CLASS_SUFFIX)) {
            String className = (name.endsWith(CLASS_SUFFIX) ? name.substring(0,
name.length() - CLASS_SUFFIX.length()) : name);
            entry.binaryContent =
this.weavingTransformer.transformIfNecessary(className, entry.binaryContent);
        return entry;

The problem now is that entry.binaryContent is null, so the weaving doesn't
take place.

This might be the cause:

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