


On 4/10/16 4:08 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> All,
> Lately, I've found myself re-writing the same code to customize an
> SSLSocketFactory for a variety of clients I've been writing. Of course,
> I have, at this point, written a re-usable library that I generally use,
> but when I want to give-away the code to someone else, it's a little
> nicer to have it all in one package, etc. and not have too much hidden
> in a separate library.
> This week, I'm looking at adding cipher-suite blacklisting (e.g. "never
> use MD5") and I started thinking about Tomcat's OpenSSL-style cipher
> suite parsing code.
> I'm starting to think that, much like the Digester, this code would be
> very useful to anyone writing a Java application that needs to customize
> TLS connections.
> Is anyone else (also) interested in possibly spinning-off Tomcat's
> SSLSocketFactory management code into a separate library? Basically, I
> was thinking that we could consolidate Tomcat's code (which is already
> pretty segregated) that handles the following operations:
> - trust managers
> - key managers
> - CRLs
> - protocol selection (actually enabling/disabling SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1,
> etc.)
> - cipher suite selection
> - anything else?
> Since we are now supporting JSSE+OpenSSL, that could even be bundled in
> there, so clients could request OpenSSL-backed crypto if they want.
> In my case, I'm particularly interested in supporting clients
> (SSLSocketFactory), but certainly supporting servers
> (SSLServerSocketFactory) makes a lot of sense, too, since a lot of the
> code is the same ... just slightly different plumbing.
> Ultimately, I was going to suggest a fairly simple public API like this:
> public class SocketFactoryBuilder {
>   public SSLSocketFactory createClientFactory([supported protocols],
> [cipher suite specs], [client cert store / client cert spec], [crl],
> [hostname verifier]);
>   public SSLServerSocketFactory createServerFactory([supported
> protocols], [cipher suite specs], [server keystore], [client trust store]);
> }
> There are many ways one might want to specify the various stores (e.g.
> filename, InputStream, etc.) so those might be overloaded to support
> various combinations of things for convenience.
> Any thoughts?
> -chris

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