
On 9/15/16 7:39 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> We haven't had any webinars for a while.
> Looking at the YouTube stats for the recordings we have had 5k+ views
> across 5 webinars which in reality means more like 2.5k people watching
> one for more than a few seconds and around 1k watching one to the end.
> My view of those numbers is that the webinars are worth while and we
> should try to do some more. The current ideas for future topics are
> listed at [1]. Does anyone fancy presenting on one of those? Additional
> topic suggestions welcome as well.

I could do one or two. Would Pivotal be willing to donate the Webex
connectivity and recording for that? I don't know how much
post-processing you have done for previous webinar recordings, but I
could conceivably do that myself if you have some suggestions for what
to do -- other than of course removing all the lead time waiting for a
few more people to connect, etc.

We might want to ask again on the users' list to see if anyone wants to
add to the queue of topics.


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