On 9/13/06, Rainer Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anything in the mod_jk log?

[error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1879): (pepper7) Connecting to
tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the
wrong port

Tomcat is running, the mod_jk log level was set to error

You mean "first hit" after restart, or after a time of inactivity?

I typically have this happen in the morning after Tomcat has
restarted. I wonder if I'm running into a ping/pong timeout which
occurs because Tomcat has been swapped out after nightly activity. I
should try increasing that value (set to 500ms).

In fact after thinking about it, I am just about 100% sure this is the
problem (machine could use more memory, I see swap space in use and
swap page/in activity when I received the error), thanks for pointing
me in the right direction.

1.2.19-dev looks good then, except for 1 minor nit:

It would be nice if jkstatus had descriptions for the values of Act
and Stat columns.


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