2017-02-06 20:55 GMT+01:00 Violeta Georgieva <violet...@apache.org>:

> Hi,
> Currently JSR356 provides possibility to add message handlers in order to
> receive web socket
> messages but there is no way to instruct the web socket implementation to
> suspend for a while
> the incoming messages (backpressure) so that the application is able to
> process the already delivered messages.
> The other web containers (Jetty, Undertow) supports such functionality so I
> would like to introduce it in Tomcat.
> Here [1] I prepared one possible implementation.
> What do you think about this feature and the proposed implementation?

I don't understand why this is that useful (it has to be used in a smart
way that improves scalability by the application, I'm not convinced this
can happen) but more importantly it's a proprietary API.


> Regards,
> Violeta
> [1] https://github.com/violetagg/tomcat/commits/ws-suspend-resume

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