Am 27. März 2017 14:56:41 MESZ schrieb Mark Thomas <>:
>The proposed Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M19 release is now available for
>This is a milestone release for the 9.0.x branch. It should be
>noted that, as a milestone release:
>- Servlet 4.0 is not finalised
>- The EGs have not started work on JSP 2.4, EL 3.1 or WebSocket 1.2/2.0
>The major changes compared to the 9.0.0.M18 release are:
>- Various HTTP/2 improvements
>- Fixes for sendfile related issues that could cause subsequent
>  to experience IllegalStateExceptions
>- Servlet 4.0 updates
>Along with lots of other bug fixes and improvements
>For full details, see the changelog:
>It can be obtained from:
>The Maven staging repo is:
>The svn tag is:
>The proposed 9.0.0.M19 release is:
>[ ] Broken - do not release
>[x] Alpha - go ahead and release as 9.0.0.M19


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