--- Comment #34 from Guillermo Grandes <> ---
(In reply to Mark Thomas from comment #9)
> The fix for bug 57472 might shave a few seconds of the deployment time but
> it doesn't appear to make a significant difference.
> [...cut...]
> The reason that it is fast in Tomcat 7 and earlier took some digging. In
> unpackWARs is false in Tomcat 7, it unpacks the JARs anyway into the work
> directory and uses them from there. Performance is therefore comparable with
> unpackWARs="true".

Question: If unpack of war in work directory works well, why change?

> [...cut...]
> As I ponder what to do about this I do have one question. Why do you want to
> run with unpackWARs="false"? What is the use case?

More use cases for unpackWARs=false, our is:

Multiple Tomcats with appBase pointing to a NFS directory (mounted read-only).
All WARs are versioned (acme##712.war), come from a Nexus server and
SHA1/signature is checked before stored in NFS.

Unpacked directories (unpackWARs=true) broken "inmutable" infraestruture
(humans are prone to "touch files" manually), in these cases "md5sum xxx.war
-tomcat-" vs "md5sum xxx.war -nexus-" help to find the problem.

+1 to maintain feature unpackWARs=false.

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