Thanks for the hint. I fixed it. Unfortunately SetEnv takes a space and SetEnvIf an equals sign. That's were I broke the doc.

Jeff Johnson wrote:
It took me a while to figure out why the example at the very bottom of kept throwing
an error like this:
[2006-10-06 14:05:06] [10200:7072] [info]  jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2071): Could 
not find a worker for worker name=1

I finally figure out that instead of this:
SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI ^/apps/([^/]*)/ JK_WORKER_NAME $1

it should be this:
SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI ^/apps/([^/]*)/ JK_WORKER_NAME=$1

Awesome feature by the way, as well as the new ability to log which real workers the load balancer sends the requests to via apache logging!

Yes, I hope a lot of people will start to use it.


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