On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 4:36 PM Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de> wrote:

> Probably not very helup, but to make sure, the GetEnv is failing, I
> would add a little code to native/src/jnilib.c in JNI_OnLoad() that
> creates an observable side effect while executing int he function. E.g.
> on Unix/Linux you could add something like
> #include <stdio.h>
> ...
> FILE *fd = fopen("/tmp/mytrace", "w");
> int fputs("At step 1", fd);
> int fflush(fd);
> ...
> int fputs("At step 2", fd);
> int fflush(fd);
> ...
> int fputs("At step N", fd);
> int fflush(fd);
> int fclose(fd);
> Sure poor man's tacing, but it will show, how for you get through
> JNI_OnLoad() before it is returning.
> Sorry for not being more helpful,

Good idea. So it's failing on:
And I need to define this in the JNI configuration, much like it's done for
Java reflection and dynamic class loading. Only difference I haven't really
been using it yet. The classes are traced but the configure tool which
converts the trace into the config does not work properly [yet].


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