The people from Azul have backported JSSE from Java 11 to Java 8 as an additional provider. It is called OpenJSSE and available under

They moved packages underneath org.openjsse. OpenJSSE provides eg. TLS 1.3 and ALPN. So using OpenJSSE allows to use TLS 1.3 and HTTP/2 in TC 8 even when running under Java 8.

For those who want to experiment:

- the source code of OpenJSSE is relatively small and builds quickly with maven.

- you can activate it in Tomcat using eg.

# Adjust the path to your OpenJSSE jar
# See below for the contents of this file${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/

  and the new file should contain one line like:

The number 4 has to be replaced by whatever number is used in your original JVM file for the provider On Linux it is most often number 4, on Solaris number 6. Java 9+ uses the name SunJSSE instead of in the file

After that TLS 1.3 should be available. So no need for any changes in TC to support that. But:

For HTTP/2 there is another change possible. We currently detect ALPN availability by looking at the JVM version. If it is >= 9, we assume ALPN, if it is smaller, we do not test for ALPN.

I made a patch to detect ALPN support at runtime using reflection. Please have a look. Feedback welcome, whether we want to include that or whether we want to stick with the simpler approach we currently use. Of course the windows for Java 8 plus OpenJSSE is getting smaller over time, and users could also use tcnative to get TLS 1.3 and HTTP/2. On the other hand integration of OpenJSSE is pretty simple and some users don't like native code in their JVM (and its maintenance). IMHO support for OpenJSSE (including HTTP/2) would be a nice addition.

My TC 9 patch is available under:

It moves the ALPN detection from classes Jre(9)Compat to class TLS in the same package and uses the same approach that we use for other runtime detection. It needs to make one method accessible, because under Java 9+ the implementation class SSLEngineImpl is no longer a public class. Since it is accessed normally via SSLEngine, direct method calls still work, but reflective calls no longer.



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