On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 11:29 -0500, Yoav Shapira wrote:
> Four, we've only had alpha releases, and I assume the uptake on these
> has been fairly low.  Once we label a release as beta or, even more,
> stable, we'll get a bunch more testers, and then we'll see if/how much
> complaining there is about the admin webapp.

Tomcat 6.0.x ebuilds have been available on Gentoo since 6.0.2, bumped
for 6.0.4, and now the current 6.0.6. However I have them masked since
they are barely alpha per upstream. Once they hit beta or better I will
umask. Although users can unmask themselves now if they so choose to.

However from my experience with Gentoo users, only a fraction run
unstable or ~arch. But most good system admins keep an eye on ~arch and
run at least one development machine as unstable.

If that will lead to more feedback, hard to say. I would assume at min,
I will hear from some users, and will condense, then relay that info to

Now in my own development env, I have run 6.0.2, 6.0.4, and 6.0.6. While
my apps are nothing impressive. They have yet to have any issues, or
etc. Painless migration from 5.5.20.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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