--- Comment #4 from <> ---
Thank you for the comments.

I'm actually using Tomcat within docker so would like to avoid touching any
tomcat code or configuration, whether or   The pattern
I'm seeing used more and more is to specify a long list of -D options in the
docker-compose.yml file.

Answers to questions 
GNU bash, version 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>


Agreed I should probably be using CATALINA_OPTS however that seems to have
exactly the same issue with expansion of '*' as JAVA_OPTS

I think the quoting I have used is O.K. since with a quick hack to the tomcat
source files then it works.

What exact change are you asking for?
It's taken me some time to diagnose and work-around this problem.  If I can
share knowledge then that helps the community.

I've fixed this by replacing $JAVA_OPTS with "${JAVA_OPTS//$'\n'/ }" in  As pointed out below the same effect can be obtained by set -o
noglob .

Also I couldn't see any discussion about globing in the Tomcat documentation or
comments so perhaps a sentence could be added?

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