--- Comment #6 from ---
It turns out the issue behavior is not related to struts/tiles/action. I am
able to develop a simple jsp that encounter the issue - still want to trim down
further before I submit the pacakge.  But it does require to use tag lib, with javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.3.jar.

In debug, it looks the fmt:setLocale would cause an CharacterEncoding (for
en-US) to be set on the Response, which in turn, at the code for bug 49464,
would cause:
outputEncoding !=
to be true, which triggers the outputEncodingSpecified pw.flush to happen.

and with the ImportSupport from javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.3.jar looks not able
to deal with the flushed irw, while the taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5 appears to
be able to handle it - these I have not debugged into.

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