On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 1:56 PM Rémy Maucherat <r...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 12:05 PM Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 11:47 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I thought it would be useful to re-open the discussion on this. If there
>>> is a better plan that the one we currently have I'd like to try and find
>>> it.
>>> I'm happy to hold off on the current release for a few days
>>> to give us time look for a better numbering scheme and so we have the
>>> opportunity to pull the release if necessary.
>>> I have tried to express the various options I have seen proposed in a
>>> similar way so we can compare them. If I have missed one or you think of
>>> a different one then please post it.
>>> Option A: The current plan:
>>> Jakarta EE 9:  10.0.0.x
>>> Jakarta EE 10: 10.0.x   (x>=1)
>>> Jakarta EE 11: 11.0.x
>>> Java EE 8    : 9.y.x    (where y == major Tomcat version)
>>> Option B: Continue with existing numbering
>>> Jakarta EE 9:  10.0.x
>>> Jakarta EE 10: 11.0.x
>>> Jakarta EE 11: 12.0.x
>>> Java EE 8    : 9.y.x    (where y == major Tomcat version)
>>> Option C: No stable Jakarta EE 9 release
>>> Jakarta EE 9:  10.0.0-Mx
>>> Jakarta EE 10: 10.0.x
>>> Jakarta EE 11: 11.0.x
>>> Java EE 8    : 9.y.x    (where y == major Tomcat version)
>>> Option D:
>>> Jakarta EE 9:  10.0.x
>>> Jakarta EE 10: 10.1.x
>>> Jakarta EE 11: 11.0.x
>>> Java EE 8    : 9.y.x    (where y == major Tomcat version)
>>> My own thoughts:
>>> I don't like option B because the off-by-one issue between Jakarta EE
>>> and Tomcat. It is manageable at the moment but I worry that it will
>>> cause confusion once we have the 9.y.x branch.
>>> I don't like option C because I think we need a stable, supported,
>>> passing the TCK Jakarta EE 9 release. Also, Jakarta EE 10 is meant to
>>> follow shortly after Jakarta EE 9 but what if it doesn't?
>>> For me, the choice is between A and D. If Jakarta EE 10 is very soon
>>> after Jakarta EE 9 then I think option A is better. However, D isn't
>>> that far behind and as soon as Jakarta EE 10 doesn't follow shortly
>>> after Jakarta EE 9 I think D begins to look better. As I think about it,
>>> the EOL decision we make for Jakarta EE 9 support depends a lot on how
>>> quickly Jakarta EE 10 follows and I think D gives us more flexibility.
>>> Finally, D is more consistent with how we have done things in the past
>>> (4.1.x, 5.5.x, 8.5.x etc)
>>> Thoughts?
>> From the above I like option C.
>> It the release of Jakarta EE 10 is delayed for some reason we can switch
>> to option D.
>> One more option:
>> Option E:
>> Jakarta EE 9:  9.99.x (or 9.999.x)
>> Jakarta EE 10: 10.0.x
>> Jakarta EE 11: 11.0.x
>> Java EE 8    : 9.y.x    (where y == major Tomcat version)
>> It is a bit ugly but some projects have used such version scheme to
>> emphasize that it is a transitional release.
Indeed it is getting complicated to understand the versions here.

> Well, this won't work as the plan for the 9 branch [the last branch on
> javax] is to track the API changes from the last major branches using minor
> branches. So 9.10 [tracking the EE 10 branch], then 9.11, then 9.12, and so
> on but still based on

What do you mean with "So 9.10 [tracking the EE 10 branch]," What is EE 10
here ? Javax or Jakarta ?
Since Oracle won't lead EE anymore then it should be Jakarta EE 10. But
Jakarta EE 10 will (hopefully) be implemented in Tomcat 10.0.x. What
exactly will go in 9.10.x ?

> Java EE 8. This is an attempt to extend the support period of the 9 branch
> even further and keep Tomcat 9 relevant with the new features from the main
> most recent branch. So you could propose 9.9, possibly, but 9.99 or 9.999
> or other random number doesn't fit. Then, the most important problem is
> that the 9 branch means Java EE 8 support, and you would be polluting it
> with a Jakarta EE release.
> So unfortunately that option E doesn't work at all, despite its apparent
> similarity with option D.

The idea to use 99 or 999 is to use a number that is far ahead and that it
won't ever be reached by the normal releases, like 9.1.x, 9.2.x, etc.

> Rémy

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