On 06/04/2020 20:50, Filip Hanik wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 11:20 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org
> <mailto:ma...@apache.org>> wrote:
>     On 06/04/2020 17:56, Filip Hanik wrote:
>     > Team,
>     >
>     > As I'm slowly transitioning between projects, Apache Tomcat has once
>     > again showed up in my workspace. I'm currently working on
>     improving the
>     > embedded experience for native images.
>     >
>     > I have a pull request,[1] <https://github.com/apache/tomcat/pull/267>,
>     > that I'd like to open up a discussion about
>     >
>     > Goal: Able to start embedded Apache Tomcat without using reflection.
>     Do you have a test case you are working to? It would be helpful to see
>     exactly where the problems are in terms of what is considered reflection
>     and what isn't.
> Yes, I'm working on a sample that should demonstrate it.


>     On that point, can we tell the tooling that reflection isn't used even
>     if the automated analysis can't tell that? I'm thinking of something
>     along the lines of ensuring that most execution paths - including
>     embedded - avoid reflection. We should, hopefully, be able to document
>     the scenarios where reflection is triggered so users know to avoid them.
>     > This PR: Changes the constructor for Connector to not use reflection.
>     > Instead the calling components will instantiate the ProtocolHandler
>     >
>     > Besides the constructor change, functionality should remain backwards
>     > compatible.
>     I am very uncomfortable changing the constructor for a fundamental
>     component like Connector this far into a stable release - hence wanting
>     to explore options.
> Noted, I think a compromise may be in order. Where we simply add a
> constructor that avoids the Class.forName
> and that allows the developer to explicitly invoke a constructor that
> avoids it.

My thinking was more along the following lines...

Rewrite the Connector (and possibly some/all other components) so that
if a known class name was specified, rather than using the specified
name directly via reflection we could do something like:

if ("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol".equals(className)) {
    protocol = new Http11NioProtocol();
} else if ("org...
} else {
    // OK. Unrecognised class name. Use reflection

Would that style of approach help at all?


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