Rainer Jung wrote:
Hi Mladen,

Things like DirectoryIndex are completely
useless and further more breaks the security,
because the Tomcat must serve the default content.

I simply don't understand, what this means functionally, i.e. how DirectoryIndex and ForwardDirectories should work with mod_jk.

The shouldn't ;)

So, although some hacks can be done, I'll veto
any option that will allow serving as default
some content that wouldn't be served by Tomcat
using his configure.

If I try to interprete this, it would disallow to forward a request /test/ as /test/file to tomcat, if file is a DirectoryIndex

Yes. It works only when they are on the same box at the
first place. However the Tomcat might have different
welcome file list order, and that's the problem.

- even if "/test/file" would match a JkMount
- and even if "/test/file" can be matched to a file system entry by Apache.

Correct? This is different from current behaviour. So you suggest to completely ignore DirectoryIndex for mod_jk and only forward directory requests to tomcat, if

- they don't get served by apache
- they match a JkMount
- and ForwardDirectories is set.


Basically, the entire point is that Tomcat *must* decide
what should be served for a directory request by welcome file.
Forcing that via foreign application is a clear breakage
of the specs.

The entire concept originates back from the days when
most of the deployments were on the same box (having a cluster
decade ago was a privilege only for few companies in the world).


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