So have you guys decided what you are going to do? Is there a dev ticket
open (that is public) that I can see and follow the progress on?

I'd like to get off this mailing list, as it generates lots of email that I
don't care about, but before I leave it, I'd like to understand the plan,
and how to track progress.

Thanks, Dave

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 1:37 PM Dave Wichers <> wrote:

> OK. Fair point. If you believe it is dangerous to just turn it on for
> real, as someone might do that in prod without knowing what they are doing,
> then I think Tomcat should generate a WARNING during startup that explains
> that HSTS is ON, but not yet doing anything, and maybe point them to an
> article that explains the uses/dangers of HSTS and how to configure it
> right, and test it thoroughly, before they actually turn it on in prod.
> As I said, I think turning it ON, but not really, and being silent about
> it is dangerous to the non-expert. And you say turning it ON automatically
> for the non-expert is dangerous too, and I agree. So what do you think
> about generating some kind of warning during startup along the lines I
> suggest?
> Maybe point them at an article like this:
> -
> Although I would prefer a vendor neutral article provided by Apache or
> OWASP or something like that. I couldn't find one I liked with a quick
> Google search.
> -Dave
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 1:01 PM Christopher Schultz <
>> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Dave,
>> On 8/25/20 14:05, Dave Wichers wrote:
>> > Per:
>> >
>> r_Security_Filter
>> >
>> >
>> and
>> Security_Filter
>> >
>> > they both say:
>> >
>> > hstsMaxAgeSeconds  - The max age value that should be used in the
>> > HSTS header. Negative values will be treated as zero. If not
>> > specified, the default value of 0 will be used.
>> >
>> > So, if a Tomcat user (like I did at first), configures
>> > hstsEnabled=true, the HSTS response header is set by Tomcat, but
>> > with a max age of zero (since that is the default).
>> >
>> > However, per the HSTS RFC:
>> > it says:
>> >
>> > NOTE:  A max-age value of zero (i.e., "max-age=0") signals the UA
>> > to cease regarding the host as a Known HSTS Host, including the
>> > includeSubDomains directive (if asserted for that HSTS Host).
>> >
>> > I noticed this problem when I first enabled HSTS on my Tomcat dev
>> > instance, and then passively scanned my web app with OWASP ZAP
>> > ( ZAP, correctly I believe,
>> > pointed out that enabling HSTS with a MaxAge of zero is effectively
>> > a no-op. (i.e., does nothing).
>> Correct.
>> > If I'm correct, then I think having a default of zero is dangerous
>> > and should instead default to something useful and effective.
>> I disagree.
>> > Such as one year (in seconds) which is what many developers
>> > set/configure this value.  Otherwise, I think turning HSTS ON in
>> > Tomcat might be giving people a false sense of security because it
>> > really doesn't doing anything unless you also set MaxAge (which to
>> > me isn't intuitive that you should have to do that).
>> >
>> > Do you agree with me that this is a problem that should be fixed?
>> Here's why I disagree: if you configure your server to reply with
>> HSTS=on with a meaningful expiration, then the browser is *going to
>> enforce it*. If you have not configured it correctly, or you are just
>> testing, you can basically lock your site out from all clients for
>> e.g. a year before they are willing to re-connect to you.
>> AFAIK, there is no recognized mitigation for "oops we enabled HSTS for
>> our site but actually we need parts of it to remain non-encrypted so
>> please please please forget we ever said anything about HSTS". If you
>> enable it and don't know what you are doing, you can SERIOUSLY fubar
>> your infrastructure.
>> - -chris
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