--- Comment #16 from Mark Thomas <> ---
This has been fixed in the main development branch for openjdk 16. The fix
should be in the next EA release.

There is currently no information on whether or not the fix will be

Once the fix is applied, debug won't work unless either:
a) A JDK that includes the JDK fix is used; or
b) the changes in are reverted

So the question is, when do we apply the fix?
- As soon as a 16 EA release is available with the fix?
- As soon as a 16 GA release is available with the fix?
- As soon as an LTS release is available with the fix?
- As soon the minimum version of Java required by the major Tomcat version is
guaranteed to include the JDK fix?

Those time ranges run from a few days to years in the future. None of those
options are appealing.

I'm currently thinking of the following:
- apply the fix once there is an 16 EA release with the JDK fix
- introduce a new command "debug-legacy" that invokes jdb assuming the JDK fix
is not present
- remove debug legacy once the minimum Java version required by the Tomcat
major version is guaranteed to include the JDK fix.

I don't like maintaining what is essentially two versions of invoking jdb but I
don't see a better plan.

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