On 11/11/2020 09:11, build...@apache.org wrote:
> The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder tomcat-trunk while 
> building tomcat. Full details are available at:
>     https://ci.apache.org/builders/tomcat-trunk/builds/5549
> Buildbot URL: https://ci.apache.org/
> Buildslave for this Build: asf946_ubuntu
> Build Reason: The AnyBranchScheduler scheduler named 'on-tomcat-commit' 
> triggered this build
> Build Source Stamp: [branch master] 20edb410286fdfe141dc0178f361493d4f3ca72c
> Blamelist: Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>
> BUILD FAILED: failed compile_1

This is the TestWebSocketFrameClient.testConnectToRootEndpoint test again.

I've made a little progress with this over the last day or so. What I
know so far:
- The first WebSocket request is processed
- The second is sent to the server (on a new connection)
- The acceptor on the server accepts the new connection
- The new connection is added to the Selector and a key issued
- A short time later the Selector has no keys
- The connection is never selected with a valid attachment

This suggests a something closing the socket or (less likely) a Selector

There appears to be a timing aspect to the failure. Adding and removing
debug logging is impacting my ability to recreate the failure. I am able
to trigger the issue ~20% of the time on a full NIO test run. I am
currently working on trying to recreate the issue more reliably and on
shorter test runs.

At the moment, it feels like I am making some progress so I plan to keep
working on this rather than tagging 10.0.x etc. I don't want to delay
the tags too long so my current thinking is keep working on this bug for
today and tag tomorrow. Any (lack of) progress may change that view.


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